In a recent interview on ABEMA TV, Trusted CEO Fariza Abidova shared her thoughts about ongoing projects involving regional revitalization. Regional revitalization is the process of supporting and enhancing the quality of life within rural areas of Japan.
In the segment, she discussed the importance for companies to build strategies based on population needs and implementing them with the correct approach. Many companies outsource these types of projects to other firms, which leads to inconsistent visions and improper execution.

The program also included strategies for large companies to increase employee salaries, while maintaing a clear business vision. Fariza Abidova discusse the importance for companies to consistenly invest in new innovative operations to grow their businesses in a sustainable and efficient manner.
If your company is facing similar challenges or interested in innovation methods to co-create solutions, get in touch at:
105-6415, 15F, Toranomon Hills Business Tower
1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan