On October 18th, Trusted Corporation hosted a successful event, where we delved into the latest trends and solutions in Europe, with a particular focus on Switzerland and Germany.
The event attracted 85 participants, primarily from innovation and planning departments of leading Japanese enterprises, who joined us both online and offline at our CIC Tokyo office.
Trusted's CEO Fariza Abidova, shared valuable insights gained over 8 years of working with the European innovation ecosystem, along with experiences from a month-long business trip to the continent.
The topics discussed included the reality of the strategic ecosystem in Switzerland and Germany, the speed of the process, the mechanism for involving talented developers from around the world, the diversity of human resources, and their perception of Japan.
We were honored to have two remarkable guest speakers, the Chief Representative of the State of Bavaria in Japan Ms. Susanne Schierok and the Head of Invest Promotion at Embassy of Switzerland in Japan Mr. Toshi Matsuda, who presented compelling case studies on how Japanese companies are leveraging European innovation ecosystems in their projects.
Thank you to all participants for making the event a success. We hope to see you at our next gathering.
If you share an interest in these topics, please don't hesitate to contact us at contact@trusted-inc.com