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The Polish - Japanese Investment Forum in Tokyo

On March 6th, the Minister of Development and Technology, Mr. Waldemar Buda, led a Polish delegation on a visit to Japan.

During their visit to Japan, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), along with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo, organized the Polish-Japanese Investment Forum. This event focused on the cooperation between Poland and Japan in the energy sector, investment projects, and the presentation of Polish startups.

As a speaker at the event, Trusted Corporation's CEO, Fariza Abidova, was invited to share her experience and knowledge on successful collaboration projects between Polish startups and Japanese companies in open innovation as, over the past years, Trusted Corp. has worked with Japanese enterprises and startups.

Japan is a popular destination for startups and enterprises looking to innovate, given its stable economy, diverse industries, engineering capabilities, strong universities, and unique business models. However, many international companies struggle to collaborate with Japanese firms, with many projects stalling at the PoC stage or not progressing beyond a few meetings. The lack of knowledge about Japanese business culture, decision-making processes, budgeting, and operations can make successful collaboration difficult.

At Trusted Corporation, we have an international team that can provide on-the-ground support to help you engage with the Japanese innovation ecosystem.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in exploring opportunities in Japan.


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